
5 Victorian Etiquette Rules That Are Still Relevant Today

Victorian Etiquette Rules

The Victorian era is renowned for its rigid social codes and buttoned-up etiquette rules. Propriety was of utmost importance and Victorian etiquette went much deeper than knowing the correct handshake or which fork to use. Manners dictated every facet of life, from social interactions and romantic liaisons to dress codes and how much champagne one … Read more

Afternoon Tea: 10 Places for your Bucket List

Afternoon Tea Etiquette

To mark National Afternoon Tea Week, which runs from August 12-18, we have rounded up the finest establishments to partake of an afternoon tea, whether you are in London or elsewhere in Britain.  A traditional afternoon tea is a ritual that must be experienced in its country of birth, Great Britain. Here we explore 10 … Read more

Life’s a Picnic: Etiquette Rules for Al Fresco Dining

Picnic etiquette

A picnic. From the dappled light to a breeze catching the canopy of leaves giving you shade, to gently chinking glasses, can anything conjure up such a wonderful image of summer? Brush up on your picnic etiquette to ensure your outdoor table manners are up to scratch. Al fresco hunting feasts were first enjoyed in … Read more

Royal Ascot Style Guide: What to Wear

Royal Ascot Style Guide

The annual Royal Ascot Style Guide is renowned for setting the fashion tone and predicting key trends for the British summer social season.  The Style Guide – first unveiled in 2012 to formally document Royal Ascot’s strict dress code – is released three months ahead of the five-day June event each year; to give racegoers … Read more

Netiquette: A Guide to Digital Manners


If you thought that everything you needed to know about etiquette was contained within your grandmother’s dusty old volume of Debrett’s, it is time to think again. The advent of modern technology, social media and instant communication has brought a new set of rules on how we conduct ourselves in a digital world. ‘Netiquette’ is … Read more

Why Soft Skills are Vital for Business Success

Soft skills business

How you present yourself in corporate situations and how effectively you communicate with clients and colleagues is fundamental to your professional success. Research by Harvard University, The Carnegie Foundation and the Stanford Research Institute has consistently shown that more than 85% of job success is based on so-called “soft skills”. However, many of today’s graduates … Read more