
#Manspreading: Is it Ever Acceptable?

manspreading etiquette transport

Women, tired of squeezing themselves into small spaces while men unfold themselves comfortably on public transport, have taken up arms against manspreading in the past few years. The seated posture has been banned on public transport in cities from Madrid to Boston, New York City (where two men have even been arrested for the act) … Read more

Children: Never Too Small for Good Manners

children good manners

The Victorian days of children being seen but not heard are long gone – replaced by a world in which parents often seem all too happy to allow their child to interrupt an adult conversation. Now, even the most well-bred royal children are not immune to the odd childish tantrum. Pageboy Prince George received a … Read more

Know the Royal Etiquette

royal etiquette

Are you meeting the Queen? Follow our royal etiquette tips to ensure you get the protocol just right. Contacting the Royal Family Correspondence is only possible by letter, not email or telephone; it is recommended that you first make an informal inquiry to the relevant private secretary or your county lord-lieutenant, the Queen’s most local … Read more

Chelsea Handler: Did She Get her Etiquette Right?


Straight-talking American comedian Chelsea Handler recently received a lesson in afternoon tea etiquette from William Hanson at Fortnum & Mason’s Diamond Jubilee Tea Salon for her Netflix show Chelsea. Her sleeve length was perfectly acceptable, says etiquette expert Philip Sykes, but her greeting – and swearing – was not. The greeting Chelsea Handler: “Hi.” William … Read more