
Why is self-motivation so important for the noble expression of good manners and etiquette?

This is the sixth article in a series on Etiquette & Emotional Intelligence: A Winning Combination written by Richard Cullinan, who heads up our EQ faculty. Self-motivation comes from what inspires you and without it you cannot change your paradigm of life or take the actions you need to, to get new results. People often ask … Read more

Emotional Intelligence & Etiquette: A Winning Combination

Etiquette & Emotional Intelligence

This article is part of a series of articles written by Richard Cullinan, a leading emotional intelligence expert, author and creator of our Emotional Intelligence courses. Although we all have emotional intelligence, when we become aware of our emotions and learn how to manage them, our personal and social performance becomes a far more rewarding dance … Read more

Why Leading with Emotional Intelligence is so Important Today

Leading with Emotional Intelligence

We are all currently living through a period of extraordinary uncertainty characterised by a threat to our physical safety, our economic security and daily conditions which may last well into 2021. One of the consequences brought on by the Covid 19 pandemic is an undercurrent of emotional disturbance characterised by rising levels of anxiety, depression, … Read more

5 Ways to Develop Your Self-Awareness

Develop your self-awareness

Self-Awareness is about being conscious of our thoughts, feelings and behaviour and is the foundational emotional intelligence skill we all need to learn to live our lives in harmony with ourselves and others. To develop your self-awareness, you can put into practice these five steps: 1. Know what triggers your negative emotions We all experience … Read more

Motivate Yourself to Change

Motivate Yourself to Change

How can you motivate yourself to change when the odds seem stacked against you?  “Uncharted waters”, “unprecedented times” and “unknown territory” are all phrases that have been used to describe the current situation we find ourselves in. Clichés aside, these words don’t come close to describing the anxiety and uncertainty many of us feel as … Read more