
Celebrate the Art of Letter Writing

National Letter Writing Month

Did you know that April is National Card and Letter Writing Month? This annual celebration of handwritten correspondence aims to raise awareness of the importance and historical significance of card and letter writing. With so many forms of instant communication at our fingertips, when was the last time you actually put pen to paper?It may … Read more

Egg up on Easter

Easter Traditions

From lamb to Simnel cakes and Easter bonnets to egg jarping, Easter is a wonderful time to celebrate. Learn how to do it traditionally. We may think of bunnies and chocolate eggs when it comes to Easter but it is, after all, a major Christian holiday – more important than Christmas. It’s also the first … Read more

The Art of Flower Arranging

Flower Arranging

If you were in any doubt about the rising cool factor of flower arranging, look no further than Meghan Markle’s recent baby shower. The Duchess of Sussex treated her A-list guests, including actresses Blake Lively and Abigail Spencer, tennis star Serena Williams and human rights lawyer Amal Clooney, to a host of fun activities at … Read more

Manners for Millennials

Private etiquette lessons

Millennials are a generation whose reputation precedes it. Type the word ‘Millennial’ into Google and the Worldwide Web throws up a myriad of results that scream “lazy”, “selfish” and “workshy”. Probe a little deeper and you can add “narcissistic”, “entitled” and “selfie-obsessed” to this rather unflattering picture. Why are we seemingly so quick to write … Read more

Which love language do you speak?

Five Love Languages

Have you ever been in a relationship that was fraught with conflicts and misunderstandings? “He/she doesn’t understand me! It’s like we’re speaking different languages,” you wailed to your friends. Well, you may have been right to think that language barriers were indeed hampering communication with your loved one. According to author Dr. Gary Chapman, there … Read more

A Guide to Ski Etiquette

Snow sports etiquette

Are you heading for the slopes this winter? Don’t leave for the airport without reading our essential guide to ski and snowboard etiquette. You are stood at the top of a snow-covered mountain with the sun beating down on your back, ready to launch yourself into the perfect run. All of a sudden, a snowboarder … Read more