
5 Steps to Online Networking Success

Woman smiling in front of a laptop

Building a professional network is an essential part of business success. As our lives moved online almost overnight, online networking became even more important for our business survival and growth. With a bit of investment of your time and energy, online networking can help you build your network and develop a social capital. But at … Read more

Do you have the skills you need to succeed?

Today’s business landscape is changing more rapidly than ever. The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for businesses to be agile, adaptable and forward-thinking. Perhaps surprisingly, at a time when most businesses are increasingly reliant on technology, the human element is still the key to success. As the technical aspects of many jobs become automated, … Read more

4 Unexpected Benefits of Letter Writing

Did you know that April is National Card and Letter Writing Month? This annual celebration of handwritten correspondence aims to raise awareness of the importance and historical significance of card and letter writing. From email and WhatsApp to Messenger and Snapchat, keeping in touch with friends and family across the globe has never been easier. … Read more

Emotional Intelligence & Etiquette: Self-Management


This is the third article in a series written by Richard Cullinan, Head of the EQ Faculty at The British School of Etiquette.  How self-management skills improve our performance in polite society: Self-management is a key personal competency in emotional intelligence and not only impacts the way our emotions affect our brain’s performance but also … Read more

5 Important Social Skills for Children

Social Skills for Children

Helping your child to develop good social skills is one of the most important things you can do as a parent. Research shows that children who have strong social skills make friends more easily and are better equipped to deal with setbacks and stressful situations. A  young person’s social skills can also act as a … Read more

A Guide to Summer Holiday Etiquette

Summer Holiday Etiquette

The summer holidays are in full swing so it is high time to brush up on your vacation etiquette before jetting off to the sun. Traveling to another country is a great experience that will leave you with lifelong memories but do not forget to pack your good manners along with your passport, camera and … Read more