Featured Press
The British School of Etiquette is regularly featured in print, online and broadcast media both in the UK and internationally.
Our Principal Philip Sykes is a respected authority on all aspects of etiquette and is often asked to comment on national events such as the Royal Wedding and the English Season as well as the correct protocol in a wide variety of social and business situations.
If you are a media organisation and would like to get in touch please contact us at [email protected]

Video Interviews
Short description about this type of interviews.
Interview with Philip Sykes
– Voice of London
BBC Radio Humberside – Interview with Philip Sykes
Audio Interviews
Short description about this type of interviews.
ARE PEOPLE SELFISH? – BBC Radio London Interview with Philip Sykes
HOW DO THE ROYALS LEARN? – Talk Radio Interview
MEETING PRINCE CHARLES – Hits Radio Interview with Philip Sykes
Press Interviews
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